Mission Statement
We are dedicated to innovatively welcoming and engaging every new student and their supporters by providing essential information to ensure a successful start to their University of Utah journey.
Why Statement
The Office of Orientation & Transition provides resources and experiences that ignite passions, so new students can thrive, grow, and imagine themselves at the University of Utah.
About Us
The Office of Orientation & Transition’s primary focus is to assist new students and their families as they transition to the University through comprehensive programming that takes place throughout the calendar year. This includes Utah Bound Orientation, Swoop Camp Extended Orientation, Weeks of Welcome, and Summer Send Offs.
To support these efforts, the Office of Orientation & Transition hires Orientation Leaders (OLs) to help facilitate multiple sessions of first-year, transfer, parent Utah Bound Orientations, Summer Send Offs and Weeks of Welcome events. This position provides undergraduate students the opportunity to learn more about orientation programming, the University of Utah, the field of higher education, leadership skills, and themselves.